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Define complex usage conditions

In some cases, it might be necessary to formally define complex usage rights on a data set. The system provides a specific syntax for expressing such licenses.

Such complex licenses can be used in the path „md-dataset.identification.constraints.mdConstraintPredefined“. As a theme manager or organisation superuser, you provide such licenses to the data managers, who can then pick the appropriate license from a select field. You define these licenses as an enumeration, for which you provide a label and a license definition in the field value.

The license definition needs to be built using the following grammar:

('constraint' '['
('useConstraint=' <TEXT>)
|('accessConstraint=' iso:RestrictionCode)
|('otherConstraint=' <TEXT>)
'id=' <TEXT>
'name=' <TEXT>
'source=' <TEXT>
'url=' <TEXT>

Explanation of the syntax:

  • 'abc': Keywords, provided without quotes.
  • ( content )?: optional content, content can be skipped when entering
  • ( content )*: high-cardinality content, content can be entered multiple times
  • (content-1 | content-2): logical or, value needs to be either content-1 or content-2
  • <TEXT>: Text placeholders, insert text without angle brackets

The following characters are permitted in TEXT: '+'|':'|'-'|','|'.'|';'|'?'|'!'|'„'|'ö'|'ä'|'ü'|'Ö'|'Ä'|'Ü'|'ß'|'“'|'('|')'|'@'|'/'|'#'|'{'|'}'|'©'

Note that no new lines or breaks are permitted in the license definition. We thus recommend creating the license in a text editor first, then to compact it and then to copy it into the metadata editor.