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Q&A 17

Why is my data displayed with flipped coordinates?

There are several factors that can cause issues with the axis order of spatial data:

1) Some GIS products use the axis order specified in the EPSG Registry for all CRS while others are deviating from it for some CRS. Depending on which software the data was produced with, the hale»connect platform may expect a different axis order.

2) hale»connect uses deegree to publish services. Depending on how the CRS definition is indicated in a request to a deegree wiki service, it can return the data in different axis orders. It will return the data in East North order if the CRS is indicated using "EPSG:XXXX" and it will return the data in the order specified in the EPSG Registry if the CRS is indicated using urn notation. For more documentation see this deegree entry .

In hale»connect there is a toggle switch that enables users to flip the coordinates of their data if the services do not behave as expected.

More information is available in the hale»connect documentation.